A Thought About Pain

No matter how short our lives can be, pain is always there.

It's not a negative-vibe-post I am trying to conceive here, it's a projection of what's inside my head right now: an infuriating pain of knowing that I am most of the time helpless facing all the pain I see around, whether it inflicts me or not.

There's the physical pain, the moral pain, the psychological pain, the plain pain, the sexy pain, the made-up pain, etc...

You think the ultimate pain is hitting your left thumb with a hammer only to discover that breaking it is much more painful.

You think breaking-up with "the one" is painful only to find that losing a loved one in a silly accident a million times harder.

Then you think that witnessing the death of millions of people for food shortage is painful and makes you feel helpless, until you know that thousands of tons of food are being destroyed in order to maintain a proper market price...


It's been a while now I've been observing people around me:
we've become a self-centered-ego-maniac-driven humanity.

What Hesperides said might be true:
"No pains, no gains.
If little labor, little are our gains:
Man's fortunes are according to his pains."

However, my dear Hesperides, if you were living in our world today, I can only imagine what you might have said about gain & pain...

What future awaits us, I do not know, what I know is that the worst pain is inflicted by humans -to any other living creature- when they lose their humanity, no matter how insignificant they think the act/word/thought/idea is.

Drink water.

"Rage" |  © Samah El Hakim 2011


  1. C'est en écrivant et publiant un tel texte que tu aides déjà à amoindrir la peine ou les peines qui ravagent le monde, les pensées et les vies. Tu aides les autres à prendre conscience de leur humanité et ce la est important. On ne peut guérir toutes les souffrances, mais on peut en parler. si on commence par adoucir et accepter les nôtres puis petit à petit celles de ceux qui nous entourent, le cercle des secouristes s'agrandit. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'accomplir de grandes choses mais il suffit d'accomplir des petites avec beaucoup d'amour comme le dit mère Thérésa. et on n'a pas besoin d'aller à Calcutta pour le faire. A chacun som petit Calcutta :) Bon courage ibni

  2. :) could not have said it better than that.. "Be the change you want to see in the world".. its the best you\we can do.

  3. It's crazy... these thoughts have been plaguing me for a while now. Being bombarded daily by such negative vibes, such bad news, we have become numb. Sufferance, pain, death and all its woes are our daily bread, and human compassion seems to be lost forever.

    At times, when I look around and despair, deeply troubled by what humanity has come to, by the level of mindless violence that breeds more violence in this world; and when I feel like my heart has been blackened and my lungs suffocated by all the ugliness in this world, I try to remind myself of the good things.

    Just this evening, I met a French woman whose daughter, a 20 year old student, spent 6 months on an education mission in Chatila, where I have never laid foot. When the woman started re-telling her daughters exploits, and when she recalled the movie her daughter had showed her, about how those young innocent but helpless children were living, she started to cry. In a middle of a dinner party, in the middle of London, this French woman started to cry. And I felt so tiny.

    Why is it up to other people to fix the world? Positive auras are created around our own beings, and I am a firm believer in the power and faith of an individual. It can be more contagious than any other form of violence.

  4. Thank you for sharing dear Sasha.
    We should stay positive and try to act proportionally to what we can give then the world will heal gradually.
    Compassion... that's what humanity forgot in it's sad evolution.
    Stay safe, be good and drink water (still).
