On simple things/people

On simple things:
they can be as simple as observing an ant move a grain; it makes you wonder and eventually leave you in a peaceful state.

On simple people:
they can be as simple as a chicken, living their lives happily with themselves but an encounter with them could be of the worst in your life; they'll eventually make you want to kill yourself.


  1. i object!!!!!
    simple people don't make you want to kill yourself. complicated people do. simple people may be very interesting to be around or very dull. you never however want to blow your brains out afterwards!!!!

  2. thank you for objecting nai, however I write based on the things I live and encounters with simple people have left me wanting to kill myself later :)

  3. yeah well i felt like spicing things up! an objection tends to do that sometimes! (talk about simple! lol)

  4. On simple life:
    Paris Hilton makes me want to kill myself. :p
