Making Your Path

I believe in action in life and consequence afterwards.
We take decisions in our path, we make choices, we succeed, we fail, we're up, down, it's a roller coaster of a path...
In the end, I believe that we are going to get where we are willing to.
It might be from a totally different path from the one that we have put at the beginning; but we will ultimately get there.
If I take the big picture in every obstacle that I face, I see an infinity of choices and past obstacles that have drilled, sculpted, cracked, melted, filled and transformed my path till the present minute.
I love life's surprises and hits, they made me grow and still are, everyday.
Hope is my engine, dreams are my fuel and life (even though a bitch) is my love.


  1. Anonymous2/9/08 13:03

    I"m proud of you big dreamer! and I know that you are strong enough to go on in this life with this wonderful hope in your heart!

  2. I agree. It's all about choices we make.

  3. When There's a will, there is ...
    exactly that's what people say.
    if you think about it,even roller coasters have a fixed ending point, which is, unfortunately,no different then their starting point.

    I BELIEVE this applies to life!

    well in fact, possibilities of ups and downs are infinitely many, then comes the twists,the roll overs,the gravity and "G" forces that force you down,especially when your rocketing your way UP!

    you feel it all,even the small drops of rain over your head (not to mention the vomit from your surrounding "roller coaster society")...

    According to one of my theories of life,one can explain why the starting point is the same as the ending point.In brief, it is a sort of challenge and again Alliance between Life and Nature, to drive all their components to complete a special thermodynamic cycle, which is, commonly speaking, a close energy path, where everything is conserved especially FRICTION!

    same friction that roller coasters use to safely stop the rider at certain points along the path...same that life uses to stop us at another decisive points...and same as nature uses to allow everything to fly!

    weird no? have you ever thought that you what stops you, and oppose your movement in whatever direction, is the same force that makes you fly?

    Have you ever thought, why most of the creative and artistic (not latshe)people, are the most sad or most happy(drugged)people on earth...

    ok i can go on writing for hours but i'll stop here.

    Tip for you my bro:

    1.Apply the above
    2.love cats, they are better then bitches
    3.keep your faith
    4.draw and paint as many roller coasters as you like. at the end, it is your pen :)
